在gift shop工作常用英文有哪些?gift 在gift shop工作常用英文有哪些? 親愛的大家,因為本人應徵上國外的gift shop裡面工作,為了更進入狀況,在一般禮品店裡面工作,會常用到的英文對話有哪些?還有禮品店物品的英文單字有哪些?希望大家能幫忙一下,謝謝。

gift shop 有很多種 你沒有說清楚是機場的還是賣場的 所以很難給你正確的英文單字 一般說來你到了工作場所 大概可以了解商品的英文名稱 我想最重要的是對話部分比較困難一點souvenir 紀念品coffee mug 咖啡杯gemstones 寶石I’m just looking around. (顧客)Have you anything particular in mind?Did you find something you like?If you need any help, just let me know. My name is Lisz.I’ll show you the ones we have.What size would you like?I’m sure we do have something in our shop for your (husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, daughter, son...).Are you being helped?I'm not sure. If you can't find them on the rack, they may be out of stock. But let me look in the stockroom.I'll be right back.What do you think of this one here?How about this one?It's...(sixty-five) dollars plus tax. how about a (10) percent discount. That's the best I can offer.we offer a life-time warranty. Is there anything else I can get for you?This promotion ends tomorrow.How would you like to pay? 參考資料 self
對不起!因為本人沒有很常去禮品店,所以只能憑空猜測!對話我想大部分是:Q:Where is (某種東西) ?A:It is...(在哪裡)我想禮品店裡應該會有:magnet: 磁鐵cards: 撲克牌postcard: 明信片stuffed animals: 填充玩具動物crystal: 水晶fossils: 化石pottery: 陶器其他物品的英文我不太確定。


找工作,工作職缺,2010工作運勢,工作面試,工作管理員,工作運,在家工作,工作所得補助,換工作,工作難找工作,英文,禮品店物品,正確的英文,souvenir 紀念品,would you like to pay,gemstones 寶石,mug 咖啡杯,anything else,禮品店


參考資料:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1512100201087 gift

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