●●杜拜帆船飯店的建築師??建築設計公司 ●急●杜拜帆船飯店的建築師??(10點~~) 建了杜拜帆船飯店的"建築師"是誰呢??還有他的生平事跡....他還有其他的建築作品嗎 ??我的資料是"英國建築師W.S.Atkins"可是這樣根本不知道他是誰阿查不到= =+不要亂貼資料阿我"沒有"要飯店的資料阿
杜拜帆船飯店 (Burj Al Arab) 的"建築師"是 WS Atkins & Partners (建築設計公司名稱)建築設計公司創辦人是 W.S. Atkins W.S. Atkins 他的生平事跡 (很簡單的英文,不幫你翻譯了。

)W.S. Atkins was founder and senior member of what was reputed to be the largest independent consulting firm in Europe with a staff numbering about 1,000 and branch offices in the British Isles, Canada, India, Pakistan, and other countries. Bill received his Bachelor of Science degree in engineering with honours at University College, London, and was later elected a Fellow of the College. He was awarded the Sir William Larke Medal and the Telford Premium Prize. He was a member of the Institution of Civil Engineers, the Association of Consulting Engineers, the Institution of Structural Engineers, the Institute of Welding, and the Iron & Steel Institute. He represented the Institution of Civil Engineers at the British Standards Institute and the Iron & Steel Institute in the Council of British Iron & Steel Research Association. He was a member of a number of other committees directing research and development works and market promotions and was the author of many papers and articles on engineering finance and project management. He was also consultant/advisor to a number of industrial companies. In addition to England, Atkins was also licensed to practice in Canada, and established Hatch's predecessor company in Toronto in 1955. 該建築設計公司其他的建築作品 http://www.emporis.com/en/cd/cm/?id=114115 列了33項建築作品,可逐一點選閱覽。

杜拜帆船飯店英文,杜拜帆船飯店照片,杜拜帆船飯店介紹,杜拜帆船飯店價錢,杜拜帆船飯店房價,杜拜帆船飯店結構,杜拜帆船飯店建築結構,杜拜帆船飯店價格,杜拜帆船飯店簡介,杜拜帆船飯店圖片杜拜帆船飯店,quot,建築師,帆船飯店,建築作品,WS Atkins & Partners,建築設計,W.S. Atkins,Iron & Steel,Institution of Civil Engineers


參考資料:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1106102507590 建築設計公司

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